
puppy 711's adventure

Friday, April 18, 2014

save the Korean sinking ship

I can save the Korean sinking ship.
Forward my words to the relatives of the victim students.
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Friday, April 01, 2011




一 重傷
 Grand Pa Chee and his Pet 711The Birth of 7111.
१. Serious WoundBreeder
Grand Pa Chee 's pet Lysi - a she-dog, is of fine bred not only a pet of but also a cash box making much money for him.He is not satisfied though and accepts a veterinarian's unconventional suggestion to pair his bitch off once with three studs so as to whelp more doggies.The veterinarian supposes the birth date falls on the Chinese valentine's day. Grand Pa Chee is more than glad and looking forward to the day coming soon. "One more big sum of money to be in hand!" is breeding altogether in his mind.To be cost down, Grand Pa Chee plays the midwife himself. To satisfy his unusual wishing for outnumbered doggies comes true at eleven puppies. He hopes to give his puppies each a favorite name. In the course of storming his brain he is finally exhausted in forging the best names one by one until he is worn out too much to elaborate a name for the eleventh puppy because he find that the last one suffers a broken leg. Grand Pa Chee goes to bed in the sorrowing of the crippled dog being not marketable any more and forgets to name the eleventh one accordingly.
TO BE CONTINUED2004年2月5日星期四 

二 失寵 2. The doggie lost favor狗多了沒名子,很不方便,每回輪到第十一隻,祁公公就想到,給十一取個什麼名哪?不知不覺間,十一、十一、久了,十一就成了名子啦。狗頭腦沒有人的頭腦好用,狗可不會和人一樣計較名字好不好,叫它十一就十一。但是外人可不是這麼想,十一是個數目字嘛!講話哪不能不清不楚、不明不白,於是大家都不約而同的給它加上個姓,常叫它祁十一,來肯定它。小十一壞命還不止如此,每天要和狗兄狗姐搶吸奶水,十之八九是等到最後大家都吃飽了,它才有機會吸一吸乾癟的賸奶,造成小十一終日徘徊在飢餓線上,好不難過。有一天小十一實在餓極無奈,走出狗窠,看到美麗的天空和大地,突然興趣大發,當時精神立刻戰勝了飢餓,繼續前進,好不愜意。然而好景不常,當走過蛋榚店門口時,一陣奶香頓時引起強烈飢餓感,不知不覺間向蛋榚店門口方向走去,正想進入蛋榚店一探究竟,忽然覺得耳邊一道致命涼氣吹過來,基於先祖遺傳,驚覺有危險,定睛一看,原來有一條大狗正在瞪眼怒視自己,小十一轟然瘋狂般,一瘸一拐逃走。等回過神來想一想方才遭遇,仍舊驚悚不止,怎麼逃回老窠的?一點都不記的啦。小十一涕淚滿面,吃不飽,缺卡路里,疲倦到極點,無力支持下去,昏厥中入睡。
 2. lost favorIt would be inconvenient if there are too many doggies without a name for each and every time when Grand Pa Chee comes to naming the eleventh, he wanders which name is nice for the eleventh. This troublesome inner question repeats again and again. At last, eleventh become a name of the eleventh puppy.2004年2月5日星期四Dog is as wise as human are meanwhile dog would not mind whatever the name would be. Eleventh are all right if eleventh is made as names go. However, all people care about their names being good or not. Eleventh is but a cardinal. To differ it from numbers people add family name to Eleventh and call it Eleventh Chee Jr.
Jr.Chee is more than bad luck because it has to struggle with other ten puppies for milk every day, resulting that nine out of ten times winds up in failure. Jr.Chee is hungry all day long.2004年2月9日星期一One day Jr.Chee is starved and hopelessly walks out of it's kennel. On finding the beautiful sky above and spacious landscape afar, Jr.Chee is glad and forgets hungry. Then an attractive smell of cake reminds Jr.Chee of hungry again. He goes subconsciously to the bakery for details. Before it reaches the bakery door, a feeling of cold air comes down. Based on the sharp reaction of dog's heritage, Jr.Chee tells itself a fatal danger. All of a sudden, a giant yellow dog watches him grinding teeth furiously. Jr.Chee is terrified to death and runs wildly with a crippled leg. Until it's sense comes to alive it is still horrified when recalls the piercing eyes and grinding teeth. How I can run back to kennel? There isn't any memory left.With eyes full of tears, Jr.Chee short of food is tired extremely, unable to stand any longer and faints very much and falls asleep. 

三 車禍想到昨天狗窠外的美麗世界,小十一還是嚮往到不行,可是大白天,危機太多了,日光蝸牛般的一寸一寸向西方走去,最後落下山去,飢餓終於戰勝恐懼,雖然黑濛濛一遍,它還是踏上了第二次危險之旅。霓虹燈閃爍的光像精靈一樣飛躍,其誘惑力比白天加倍強,小十一在這燦爛的彩色夜色中,完全忘了危險,牠那裡知道前面重重危機正在靜靜等待。它順著蛋糕飄過來的誘惑香氣,雙目向前盯著蛋糕店,不顧來往行人和汽車,直奔過去,猛然一串%(#@&^f##@尖銳軋軋聲,剌入小十一耳鼓,驚赫得小十一頓時失去知覺,癱瘓在地上不能移動;摩托車騎士走過來,對準小十一飛起一腳,踢得小十一飛回老家。小十一甦醒過來時已經凌晨,商店都統統熄了燈,馬路上是人稀車少,沒有危險,於是垂頭喪氣,踽踽獨行走上回家的道路。進得窠來,靜悄悄挨近狗母,趁兄姐們沉睡中,偷偷吃了兩口奶;雖然奶水不足,有勝於無嗎!金窠銀窠不如狗窠,小十一暗中想,一點不錯;更幸運的是小命保住了。

3. Car accident.

Jr. Chee is eager very much for the beautiful world outside of kennel when he recalls what is seen yesterday. However, there are too many dangers to trot in daytime. The sun inching as snail crawls set down finally in the West Mountain. Hunger overcomes horror at last that Jr.Chee sets off his second adventure in the dark.
Neon light sparkles as fairy fly in the dark with more attraction to Jr.Chee than in the daytime. He is lost in the spectacular night scene and forgets danger completely. Who knows there are dangers lying silently ahead waiting. Following the attractive smelling stream of cake with eyes staring at the bakery Jr.Chee struts direct forward carelessly about people walking and cars running in front of. Suddenly a shocking piercing sound %(#@&^f##@ comes over. Jr.Chee is frightened and falls faint motionless. The motorist comes over and renders a fatal kick to Jr.Chee flying high to air.

Dawn hours near when Jr.Chee comes over consciousness. All stores lights turned off. People are few. Cars disappear. There is no longer danger. He walks on the way home with a forlorn feeling.

四 再出發今天一覺醒來,就是狗兄弟,狗姐妹搶奶大戰開始,狗奶一共是八個,而這次一胎就是十一隻,無論怎麼分法,都會剩三隻狗仔沒分到奶吃,況且小十一又是瘸腿,如何衝得贏呢?只能瘸著腿在外圍跑過來,又跑過去,白忙一陣。悲慘哪!悲慘!93年2月17日星期二小十一希望討得祁公公的歡心,期能獲到一點賞賜,所以總是跟前跟後,大獻殷勤,但是由於營養不良,發育自然也不會好,又瘸腿,尾巴都愮得快要斷了,還是討不到祁公公的歡心,遇到祁公公心情不好時,就拿小十一當出氣筒,不是咒罵,就是踢打。93年2月18日星期三小十一絕望之下,又想起了門外世界,雖然危險萬分。但那邊充滿誘惑,美麗,希望,何不再去碰一碰運氣呢?2004年2月19日星期四人在極其飢饑時,會下意識地動腦筋;動物也同人一樣會有思考反應。小十一回憶起前兩次逃家時恐怖之旅,記憶尤新,一是大黃狗的兇狠,險些遭到撲嚙、二是阻擋了機車行駛,遭騎士腳踢昏厥不醒,險些喪命、三是命大還魂甦醒回家時,在黑暗保獲下,得以一路平安爬回老窠;如今再要出外闖蕩江湖,躲開大黃狗,察看眼前路上不會闖上人類,等太陽下山,趁黑隱藏行動,不就好了嗎?小十一終於想通了,變得聰明起來,狗膽也陡然高漲,於是小十一摸黑蹓出狗窠,走出大門,順著蛋糕香氣,逆風跛步,直奔大街而去。

 4.Expedition againAs soon as it breaks, the battle of milking starts among the puppies. There are eight nipples while there are eleven doggies. No matter of how to manage, there would be three left being short of milk. The worst is that Jr.Chee runs around with its cripple leg unable to cut in, resulting for nothing. Poor thing!Jr.Chee wants to obtain Grand Pa Chee's love so as to get a small bite. He follows him closely and wags his tail violently. However, not only his effort fails but gets a hit instead when Chee is in bat mood because of it's crippled leg and weak body due to bad diet.Under the disappointment with its' efforts, Jr.Chee recalls the world outside thinking why not to bet my luck where is full of attraction, prosperity and hope.To protect oneself from danger is the instinct of human. It applies to animals as well. Jr.Chee recalls the horrible experience from the two last trips. His memory is new as that of yesterday. First: the danger of almost being swallowed by the giant yellow dog. Second: the knock-off by the motorist. Third: the darkness covering on the way home. Jr.Chee dreams with mind full of odd variety. It would be safe for me to wander again if I could avoid the giant yellow dogs' watching, scan constantly to dodge motorists, and take the cover of darkness for free from being spotted. He is abruptly wide awaken and becomes smart. His nerve is stronger than ever before. Jr.Chee walks off his kennel proudly in the dark, following the stream of bakery against the wind direct to the boulevard.

五 惡狗大黃小十一一路上邊走邊想前兩次危險遭遇,有了刻骨銘心經驗教訓,這次再也不敢大意,於是步步小心,向三好蛋糕店走去。到達十字路口時,兩眼驚覺而不自主地瞄過去,沒想到竟然一下就對上了大黃狗的兇惡目光,嚇得小十一剛出門時的勇氣一下就跌回到了谷底。三好養的大黃狗那裏會是泛泛之輩,原來早在小十一到達十字路口之前,牠早已經注意小十一了。




 5.Vicious Giant Yellow Dog
Jr.Chee recalls while walking the two dangers encountered previously. The horrible experience of which makes a good lesson never forget. The adventure to begin with has to be careful today. On reaching the crossing Jr.Chee looks over the road and finds the vicious yellow giant dogs watches this side already. Jr.Chee is discouraged completely when the two pairs of eyes meet and stares at each other There.Jr.Chee is frozen there right way and loose sense on aware of this horrible sight, runs away, walks forward and hesitates to make decisions.From physical study, it is said that animals can do things with extraordinary energy of their own under extreme danger. General Lee Kwung, the super archer in Han dynasty shoots his arrow into rocks in an emergency moment but he failed to do it again afterward. Jr. Chee under the fatal threat of the vicious yellow dog is wide-awake abruptly and tells itself "wait a moment and watch". It seems that there is no immediate danger. The vicious yellow dog in other side of the road is motionless. Jr. Chee sends a plea-wise look over during the four eyes stare each other and prays:" Brother yellow, may we make friend?"In the course of alert each other, the furious look of giant yellow dog becomes weaker every second, looses focus and its' horrific power is disappearing with a pair of uncertain staring eyes."This is the chance to take": Jr.Chee tells itself while the power of the bakery attraction is stronger than that of the giant yellow dog. Jr.Chee prowls, trying not to be seen, step by step forward aiming at Tri-Flower Bakery. Out of its' mind, the giant dog stands up abruptly barking and ready for attack. Jr.Chee without a second thought, crawling and rolling escapes to roadside ditch."Angry bawling lasts for what?" Jr.Chee wonders and horrified to the extreme. Taking the advantage of the sewerage cover it keeps running for escape under the fatal threatening for quite a while until the bawling fading to none completely.

六 初嚐肉骨美味

6.The first cuisine
Jr.Chee crawls out of ditch soaked with sewerage water and walks on road forgetting where it is, what is it doing. Walks again and again. Turn around and around. Suddenly there comes a smell of food. Which is refreshing to Jr.Chee and inducing its' hunger. Following the wind of food, Jr. forces itself crawling over as if witchcraft. The place where emitting the magical flavor is full of people, dogs and cats concentrating on chewing and drinking. On seeing that, Jr. uses more force forwarding than while ago.Clients around tables all shout aloud for stink, stand up and run away as Jr.Chee moves close to about ten steps from them. On seeing this situation, Jr.Chee feels safe and moves closer than ever and sneaks into under one of the tables and seizes one big bone biting easily. This turmoil attracts the cooks' attention. Who walks over finding that Jr.Chee is the one sending out intolerable stink that drives his clients away. The cook becomes furious and gives Jr.Chee a fatal cut with his chopper.Jr.Chee feels subconsciously a cool air of killing coming near in a sudden when it is enjoying the delicious meal on ground, rolls aside dodging the chopper in a hurry and runs aimlessly. It continues running in full force until come to a heap of garbage where it takes cover and faints motionless.

七 一段油條之恩


7. The Boon, a piece of Doughnut In the early morning, the garbage collecting truck comes to the spot and starts scooping and loading with deadening noise that disturbs Jr.Chee sleeping. It quickly gets out of the garbage bag and runs away. Walking under the cover of the weak light of day breaking hour, Jr.Chee forgets where is it and recalls its' kennel?It is the first time that Jr.Chee feels fed up and no home sick walking aimless and thinks that Grand Pa Chee doesn't love me and Grand Ma Chee pays no attention to me meanwhile milk not available. Further more, it is warmer than the early morning, the garbage has absorbed the sewerage water dry and its' whole body becomes fresh. "What a happy day is going to become true?" Now the happy hope gets rid of home sick. An expedition sets out again. There are groups of people being gathered around tables and having breakfast in the far end of the street. This scene looks like as what was last night. Then Jr.Chee tries crawling forward when approaches near them. To its' surprise, they stay eating as usual with no signs of being disturbed at all. Jr.Chee enters into under a table and picks shreds eating quietly. The boiling bean milk in the pot sends out a stream of tasty smell that is so attractive that it wants to find what it is. The cook observes a dirty pet around and becomes angry bawling at Jr.Chee and goes to get rid of it. Jr.Chee with its' poor experience jumps out aside in a hurry before the cooks' reaction. As there are so many leftovers, the cook throws shreds of Chinese doughnut to Jr.Chee.Jr.Chee wags showing its' thanks to the cook. This friendly show results in a failure due to the stink stored inside the fur suddenly escapes out to the air that drives the clients away without finishing their breakfast. The cook on finding the cause becomes angry and gives a fatal kick on Jr.Chee who fortunately dodges the attack swiftly with only light wound. It may be killed otherwise.Jr. wonders what made the sudden change. Why a cook being so kind would change his temper in no time. It is really difficult to understand what human beings are! It would be the best to run or be a dead dog if being caught by him.

八 鐵板燒燙傷
8. Burning Heat
After the escape from the cooks' chopper, Jr.Chee relaxes its' step. It is dangerous which results in its' risking experience becoming richer than before though. It is worthy of while. With eyes sparkling and scanning man walking to-and-fro. Jr.Chee is looking up for profitable objects in the street. It is about noon then restaurants, snack vans, lunch box peddlers come to alive. " The best choice would be the Family Teapanyaki because the male clients are gentlemen and the female gives out fragrant smell and the leftover must be good for eating ": Jr.Chee thinks and crawls carefully into under a table beside the gate. It is gorgeous to see colorful shoes around tangling and kissing rendering no attraction though. The top priority goal it is waiting for would be a taste bone flying down from a table.Waiting and waiting, there is no boon flying down at all although swarms of clients in the room. Jr.Chee crawls out of Family Teapenyaki gate and sitting silly in despair when all clients checked out and the waiters start clean the room. On scanning around Jr.Chee jumps over a heap of Teapenyaki plate on finding that shreds of leftover stick on the iron plates and starts licking hastily. Oh, my God, the plate is still burn hot.Jr.Chee is full of hatred with the burnt nose, complains what a world it is and why God justifies not. Is this Taiwan? Why clients here eat all the steak with bone all together? How do I live on today?



 9. The Unforgettable Sausage
  "Pain is tolerable but hungry wouldn't be": cerebrum tells it. Runs, walks and crawls for quite a while with eyes bright again, Jr.Chee recalls the steak sauce left on the steam hot plate and saliva immediately drips long although its' burnt nose is still hurt and stomach is groans for hungry. "Time is kept disappearing. Come on. Go to where people gather the most. Be ahead of sunset. Be confident. There wouldn't be bone without meat." Jr.Chee tells itself.Jr.Chee now is unable to look for food with burnt nose and could be only with eyes open wide. Searching, Searching, Searching, again and again. After walking a long time, a cloud of smoking is there afar which looks familiar. The only difference is no table. Many clients stand round some of them eating or waiting with eyes staring at a small charcoal stove where they are cooking which sends of cloud of smoke. The strong smell of barbecue stimulates Jr.Chees' burnt nose."God bless me. This is the land of promise": Jr.Chee prays: " One more bone please."It is near sunset. There are no signs of a bone flying down to ground. "It is confusing and is hardly to believe they eat bone." Jr.Chee asks itself. "It may be feasible to flatter the one wares a pair of glittering shoes by brushing." It is not successful at all. "Let me try another." Jr.Chee thinks in despair.On wandering east and west, looking for prey Jr.Chee finds a pair of beautiful legs and along the legs down to feet with colorful sandals put on. It is so attractive that Jr.Chee being out of control crawls over and licks from the sandal up to her ankle. It is the flattering action that causes her attention

十、 臭豆腐





10.Bean Cheese
Jr.Chee got a new idea that some meat is independent of bones after eating the piece of sausage of young girl students'. She is not only beautiful but scolds nice also. It must be gorgeous to surrender to her ----the young girl student.The day is still young and clear.There are no signs of the people around here yesterday."Am I gone astray or the time is young?" Jr.Chee wonders walks or stands dilly, at last comes to a place looking familiar. Some of them are chewing on table. Some of them stand feeding from plates as if enjoying the food. Some of the passers-by paying no attention to the food furnished on the spot. Some of the passers-by swarm around waiting. But some of them walk away quickly with hand covering their noses. Jr.Chee concentrates its' attention on ground scanning. It is not long before a piece of leftovers fly down to ground. Jr.Chee is more than glad and jumps over making a big bite without a second thought. The red pepper is so hot that Jr.Chee makes a moaning which pulls the girl cooks' attention who walks over and checks the queer sound. Jr.Chee is terrified with pleading eyes looking at her with the hot piece still half in mouth. On seeing Jr.Chees' eyes full of tears she knows that is the hot pepper caused Jr.Chee moaning and goes back to her range and seems telling: "worry not, the more eat, the less hot".Jr.Chee then knows there is no longer danger and can take easy to swallow the hot cheese now. The fire like hot on tongue disappears gradually but the savor of the cheese kept lasting that drives Jr.Chee eager for one more soon."God bless" comes true. Shreds of pickled cabbage and garlic with hot sauce fly down, which of course fried bean cheese inclusive.It is the first day for Jr.Chee being fed up since its' birth day. Forgiveness and gratitude are the nature of dogs. Jr.Chee takes the job of doorkeeper and assists driving cats and dogs away immediately until packing up the stand and ready going home at mid night. It's time to relax for a while. Jr.Chee wags a lot following her closely. The flattering performed by Jr.Chee touches her a lot. She puts Jr.Chee on her lap and caresses its' fur kingly. The girl cook is really unable to take the sewage stink hiding under its' fur and gives up adopting Jr.Chee as her pet. She packs up and goes home left Jr.Chee in despair.Through the several mysterious events Jr.Chee is more than being confused. What animals are of human? Being kind and vicious reciprocal abruptly. "What in hell I should do?" Jr. asks itself.

十一 安身水管





 11. Making the pipe a home
It would start one other expedition again today. Jr.Chee begins recall the experience obtained as1.To avoid the motorists' kick; you must scan constantly while walk.2. Take the cover of dark is the best policy.3. Not all meat is on bones and run away quickly when you come across the giant yellow dog.4. Don't wag to the doughnut boss. The steak is too hot to eat for dogs.5. No sausage available except the young girl is there.6. It is hot on the first eating of the cheese but the negative when accustomed to.With the six rules in mind, Jr.Chee starts a new journey confidently. It is gorgeous to watch on the way. Behold, the road loads men in red, women in green, cars, motor cycles, scooters running in hurry for unknown. At last a square being full of roaring people waits there. That makes Jr.Chee excited a lot. It wanders for a while finding nothing edible."Try again! I believe edible garbage must be there."Jr.Chee tells itself wandering. It's high noon. People scatter to all directions. All cars, trucks, vans take off without one comes in. Eventually, the crowded square becomes empty full of garbage heaped on ground."I wonder. What a world is! Aren't they living on food? Wait a moment, probably they should come back for supper when the lights are on." Jr.Chee guesses.Waits and waits again. The more Jr.Chee waits the less the people. The more it waits the darker it is. No signs of light are on. In the spacious quiet square there comes a faint but familiar breathing sound from afar, which comes nearer and stronger gradually. This situation seems the giant yellow dog is coming. Jr.Chee is scared and carefully crawls into a cartoon box hiding. On observing through a hole the unwelcome dogs, they are careless of Jr.Chees' existence at all. The most importance would be that giant yellow dog doesn't come along. The group of homeless dogs trot quickly and are leaving. Jr.Chee becomes full of ideas now since it escapes dangerous events. "Take part of them should be of help." Jr.Chee follows behind.



No longer than a quarter of time the comrade dogs through familiar route arrive to a luminous night bazaar. The group of dogs scatters to occupy profitable spot waiting under tables eager for 'a feast of flying bones'. Jr.Chee following its' brother dogs enters under a table waiting. So it has turned out as was expected. Shreds of food fly down continuously. Once in a while there is a big piece worthy of chewing flying down. Which is often grabbed half way in the air by big brother dog, Poor Jr.Chee. The nightmare 'to struggle with other ten puppies for milk every day' comes back again.

" Hurry not, one more is coming." Jr.Chee comforts itself.



For Gods' sake, Jr.Chees' patience does come true, notwithstanding, a real blocky bone flying direct to it. This would be a chance waiting no one. Jr.Chee exploits the distance being short opens its' small mouth and bites the big boon firmly. It forgets pray and eats full-hearted. A brother dog is impatient waiting aside and tries to rob, roaring. This is the first satisfactory bonus Jr.711 has ever received. It is not that easy for Jr. to give up.

"To do the best, there is no other one than run-away with the trophy in mouth." Jr. thought.

Running after running, Jr. doesn't know how long having been run. Finally it comes to a place and stops running when it is sure that no dog chasing behind.


Jr. is certain this is not a save place based on its' experience of the past dangers. Jr. makes up its' mind go on finding a hidden place to enjoy the first delicious bone ever since its' birth day. This time Jr. decides run to where is short of living creatures and dark. At last it comes to a development project site where a lot of pipes are piled up and crawls into one the pipe according.

"This is really an ideal shelter not only good for hiding but also free from wind and rain" Jr. reckons. Who enjoyed the most taste dinner and had a tight sleep that night.


十二 香肉店Dog Stew


"The sky is of blue and clear and full of refreshing air" Jr. finds and thinks when crawled out of the pipe. What a day it is. Last night was really an unforgettable rich dinner compared with the danger.

It is quite a long time since Jr. escaped the fatal chopper. Jr. now is more than feeling like home in the pipe where is not nice as is in mothers' kennel though.



"Where is my promise of land today!" Jr. wonders while wandering alone and recalls the seizure of the big block of bone "Isn't it the result of my careful plan before hand and my observation of my six disciplines? I'll do the same thing today. The first to do would wait the sunset." Jr. tells itself "The day is still young. To reduce danger, the perfect measure would be return to the pipe house and sleep."




It is pitch dark when Jr. wakes up and crawls out of the pipe home. Moon and star dim. Space above Taipei is brighter than the moon and stars far in the outer space.

Jr. is satisfied and sets off with head up thinking "This expedite absolutely no problem should be for me." On the way to downtown, Jr. takes a lot pain on walking over the rough field of construction site. The noises of cars are deafening. The neon lights are more beautiful than that of Sun. "Be careful and discipline" Jr. reminds itself scanning all around and directing to where full of tables and ranges.

Friday, April 09, 2004



This must be the land of promise. Jr. goes astray in traps of colorful legs. Behold, Black, white, fat, thin, long, and short legs as if forest is alive around. There in the forest of legs is a pair of beautiful one, which is not black, not white, not fat, not thin, not long, and not short moving graceful. That sight attracts Jr. eyes following behind into the group of dogs. It looks like there shall be struggles for Jr. as if coming back to the time fighting for milk again. How could crippled Jr. win the battle?

Monday, April 12, 2004





"Be smart. Move to where the competition, people and dogs may be less." Jr. tells itself and retreats from the spot of non-promise.

This unusual decision Jr. made is successful. Jr. turns to the direction full of rich smell of food stand. The boss is tall and strong. Who gives a look to Jr. with the same kindness as to his clients as if says, "Come on! You're welcome." This bazaar looks familiar to where Jr. has just left moment ago. The most spectacular status would be that there is no dog at all. That makes Jr. able to relax. "What I am waiting for?" Jr. steps up its' movement and steals into under a table waiting for bones. The god of fortune comes down without praying. A bone with meat drops down toward Jr.

Jr. jumps up and catches the flying bone, sucking the juice before bite. It is strange. Jr. 's starved stomach rolls refusing to receive the fatty bone and throws up. Is Jr. sick? Why is it falling on the ground faint and senseless.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

十三 藏寶庫 Jr. s' Treasure Island



In a mixed sound of barking, Jr. recovers from faint and finds itself coming back to old kennel again. A group of stranger dogs around look at it with sympathy eyes. Jr. thinks again. "No! Since when they all grow up? The kennel looks unfamiliar." A lot of doubts arise in Jr. mind.

Jr. turns head to the direction where a dog barks pitifully. The tall and strong boss becomes terrible and wrestles with a big dog and he acts wicked using his left hand grasps the collar chain, with a butcher's knife in right hand stabbing into the dog's. The pitiful dog abruptly stops barking and struggle. It is certainly dead! The surrounding becomes silent except the boss's steps and the boiling pot. The silence is so quiet that Jr. is laden with fear and tells itself "Run and as quickly as possible." Jr. forces out of the dog cage through bars and crawls carefully, being escaped quivering.




"What kind of animal are human being! It is impossible for me to understand." Jr. walks in the street as if all living creatures were dead. It couldn't help being self-pity feeling chilly, hungry, horror and asks: "Where is my home?" Its' confidence gained yesterday disappears completely now. It is fortunate on this awkward moment that Jr. fully utilizes it's sense of smell borne with and locates a bit of air born food smell afar which drives fear away and reminds it's hungry stomach. Toward which Jr. turns it's direction along the stream up running. Finally it is spotted that the origin of the smell is from a garbage can.

Thursday, April 15, 2004



"There must be food inside. I am absolutely sure. How can I help?" Jr. is unable to open it, running around and trying to find an entrance. Time waits no one. It is about daybreak. The garbage truck follows the Maiden's Prayer coming to the spot. The collectors get off the truck, opening the cover of the can, lifting the black swollen bag off the can, leaving it on the ground and go to other one. Jr. takes this opertunity crawls into the bag, seizes one leftover beef pie and swallows one by one with full attention.

Friday, April 16, 2004



The collectors come over loading all the filled up bags along with jr. after they have the new bags put into the cans and drive away. Bags pile up upon bags, Jr. inside of the bag feels all in dark, choking, and no room to move and knows there is danger. Finally, Jr. falls in shock. No one knows how long it has passed. Jr. gradually recovers from faint. Through the bag seam weak light comes in. Toward the light Jr. struggles crawls out of the bag, immediately pulls a mouthful fresh air in and runs wildly in full force at one stretch to a stop until comes to an empty field where is completely deserted. "How terrible are they! Human being is really not trust worthy." Jr. tells itself.

Monday, April 19, 2004

十四 快樂流浪Happy Vagrant



Jr. dares not looking for food where people gathers after many of the dangers. However, the leftover beef pie is unforgettable and the garbage pile is as rich of food as that of gorgeous hotels. More than that, no guard is around in the daytime, free to make choice of the leftover on one's own will, good for keeping warm as well if staying inside of that. Jr. is happy when being thought of the garbage pile and returns back to where it runs away.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004



In daytime, the garbage yard is not the monopoly gold mine as if Jr. dreamed of before. Jr. sees from afar a large group of brother dogs already there scouting, looking like that they want to get in to digging gold unsuccessfully. That scene renders Jr. helplessly walking outside of them.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004



When Jr. gives further looking over the entire yard, he finds that there are adults, children, women and young girls each of them carrying a bag in one hand and a stick in the other searching carefully by stirring the garbage as if for gold. They overlook the dogs near by waiting eagerly to join the search. Since that the human and dogs pay not attention to him, Jr. waits profitable chance without worry under the scoring Sun with his tongue pulling out foot long.

Thursday, April 22, 2004



"The present status confused me some what. How can I understand? Should human being come here to oppress dogs?" Jr. wonders. The heat mixture of stink air emitted from the garbage fills the space. Which stimulates Jr. 's saliva dripping and makes Jr. 's stomachache.

Friday, April 23, 2004




"No matter of how scorch it will, I'll wait" Jr. tells itself.

The Sun moves westward as if unwilling as watching players on the stage bowing good bye.

Monday, April 26, 2004



Eventually, the hard day winds up after the Sunsets. The group of gold diggers over the garbage hill packs up their prey home. It is time for the dogs to become alive who take over the so-called gold mine for themselves. Jr. and its' brother dogs climb upon the hill as the human do in the daytime each occupies an area digging for food. In the dark Jr. directs itself to a bag emitting strong smell. Into which it drives its' head with full force. Oh! My, gosh. Jr. s' nose is got a stab by a big crab tong. To fill its' stomach overcomes its' painful nose. It is important to eat the meat. "Why human likes eating crab while it is so painful as much. It would be better leave the crabs to cats." Jr. thinks while eating.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

十五 迷途Going astray

小十一吃魚太猛,以致魚剌扎入鼻子受傷,嗅覺大不如以前靈敏,忘記了祁公公是誰,忘記了老家在哪裡,忘記了自己的房子是在水管裡。俗語說「吃飯皇帝大」,不管方才吃的是臭魚爛蝦,餿飯辣子,還是蔥屑蒜末,肚子填飽了最為快樂,更何況凌晨的繁星明月,散發出驕傲的光芒,更叫狗的豪情高漲幾分,「櫻櫻美代子」起來;在這萬家燈火籠罩中,小十一昂步向前,輕鬆地跋著腳,不知不覺間小聲哼起了「驕傲的鴨子」, ) ^_^ ( ,過去的饑寒生活,死亡征戰,早己拋到九霄雲外去了,「醉酒當歌,人生幾何?」才是嗎?


Jr. s' nose function becomes less sensitive than normal due to being wounded by the tong when it bites the crab and forgets where it comes from and its' home is built in a pipe. There is a saying "having food is the first important living affair." The most happy hour would be being fed up with no matter of how much the fishes or shrimps gone stale. Much more than that, the morning moon and stars are brighter than usual which strengths Jr.s' bravery. It strides humming " Proud Duck" unaware of selfness, forgets the hard living and the fatal expedition completely. "Why not drinking, singing and enjoy life before times gone by" Jr. tells itself.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004



The clock ticks the time gone by. The neon lights standing for prosperousness go off one by one that the contrasts between the space and the earth become low. The sky above without the neon is no more a pointer of where the people gather. Jr. left the garbage yards to where unknown due to going astray. Night is late. People are few. No car runs in the street. It is quiet. There is no sign of danger. "Let me find a place where is full of fun" Jr. tells itself.

Thursday, April 29, 2004




Wondering Jr. accepts the homeless dogs as its' family. The leader dog looks like hero making doggies following without sense. Isn't it a guardian of dogs? Jr. goes along with them to a park where a variety of hills are built. In which the air is spooky. The phosphor fire is weak and keeps away as if avoiding when Jr. comes close. There are moving shadows floating above and down though there is no Sun shine.

"Great! They are careless about me. I am glad of free from bothering." Jr. thought.

Friday, April 30, 2004

十六 清明節 The Day to Serve the Tombs



What's a day? The hilly park in the rising Sun becomes prosperous. Where is crowded with people coming in. There are man, women, smart guys and nice gals. They all carry offerings like fresh fishes, meat, fruits or flowers. There are coolies with spade in hand adding new earth to hilltops or with sickle in hand removing weeds. There are beggars with bags under their arms waiting to pick up offerings. They are all around busy. Jr. has no appetite at all on the offering in the early morning because its' stomach is still full of the leftovers from the garbage bag.

Monday May 3, 2004

十七、大土丘17. Grave Yards



"These sessions for me are really hard to understand. What are inside of the earth hills? For what do people bow as moaning with hands paired in front of breast and burning sticks and papers?" Jr. wonders and struts toward the largest hill for details.

Tuesday May 4, 2004



The hill occupies large space. At the side of which an half old mother in black directs coolies reaping weeds around, piling new earth to the top, laying offering, burning papers, burning sticks in hands praying for quite long time. Finally, she hands the burning sticks over to a coolie who in turn has them inserted in a bowl-like vessel then retreats aside seated on a marble stool. A moment later, a stream from the burning sticks rising slowly up higher and higher to cloud forming a bridge. Suddenly, along which a shadow of human comes down to the stone desk sucking desperately.

Wednesday May 5, 2004



At the same time, there comes a group of people. The leader is a woman a bit of older than the first one. Following the second woman are two boys in uniform and a young girl dressed ensemble, each carrying offering. The four sweep the offering from the stone desk to ground and display theirs' instead without one word to the older woman in black. Who stands up and try to stop them do so when her offers being driven away as garbage and is barricaded by the two boys in uniform. She becomes angry crying and stumbles to ground. The boys push her and stop her to stand up. The young girl comes to rescue but her mother shouts: "don't move."

Thursday, May 06, 2004



When the offering falls on ground, the deserted dogs come in swarm seizing whatever they favor of the offerings. Whoever cares of the strong versus the weak of the tragedy? The Shadow man stops swallowing and seams trying to settle the fight but being disabled to do so by a mysterious force, stands there helplessly.

Friday, May 07, 2004


18. New Earth Hill



Jr. at the moment has no mood to seize food because it has had enough last night, instead, has the tendency to observe human attitude and novel protocol. There Jr. pushes through crowd of people and passes the empty lane of shadow man and comes to a hill smaller than the large one. Where the weed is less wild as is with the large one. A beautiful girl stands alone in front of a stone desk sobbing and murmuring with tears on her cheeks for unknown

Monday, May 10, 2004



A shadow man by her side becomes sad on seeing her sorrow emotion and cares less of sipping his offerings. His look varies as her crying, being nervous on louder, and when her crying sound becomes loud, relax when her

Tuesday, May 11, 2004



All the people in the hill give no attention to her crying from morning to noon. She is too thirsty, too hungry and too exhausted that she falls to ground into a shock and her crying sound died away abruptly. The sudden quietness causes all the people in the hill turning their look to her to observe what happens. It is a pity that no one comes to rescue her. The shadow man aside of her shows worry and carefulness without action however it's look giving 711 as if begs it to help.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004



The young lady's crying look with her face full of tears is more beautiful than usual. Her look touches Jr.'s heart so much that it jumps bravely to her side and starts kissing and licking her face dry All that being done is unable to recover her from faint though, Jr. barks at her ear. It is the barking that helps her breathing again. She inhales deeply and opens her eyes and gives a hug on finding Jr. kissing her and caresses Jr. with extraordinary loving touch.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

這時出現一位仙人一般的道長,走近她和小十一這邊,面露非常訝異神色, =? o ?= 大叫神狗、神狗,一傍圍觀眾人不約而同地一擁而上,想一探究竟,將注意力全都轉到這位道長身上了,齊聲問:「怎麼啦?」




At this incident there is a god-like monk presents, walks close to her and Jr. with surprising look and shouts:

'Holly god, holly god.' =? o ?= People around rush over for details abruptly and all concentrate their attention on the monk and ask: 'what happen?'

' It is a holly dog. I'll bring it back to my temple to worship.'

The monk holds Jr. with people following go direct to Discipline Temple up White Cap Mountain.

Friday, May 14, 2004

祁十一今世前生 Pre-ekistence

一、 仙山論道 1. Preaching




This is the time for Jr. who being a deserted disgusting and crippled dog becomes the honorable guest of The Discipline Temple today. Worshipers all forget it is the Mass Day of Ancestor and pass the rumors one another as the 3 eyes’ mastiff* reincarnated or the robber Braber reincarnated for payoff.

Discipline Temple become known to the public in a day due to the debut of Jr.

Monday, May 17, 2004



The monk being the abbot of Discipline Temple is seriously worshipping Jr. as gods the attitude of which causes a real stirring rumor. One passes the resurrection to another. Their talks concentrate on its’ mysterious power to bring the young lady back alive. Pilgrims from afar lead by their abbots’ rush to Discipline Temple to worship Jr.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004






“Abbot Shanz Your Excellency, may I worship?” asks 7-Long-coon, the abbot of the Supreme Lord Temple of West Port Church.

“Welcome, your Excellency. Please worship as you wish. The shadow makes the difference when the Sun at high noon. There is the shadow of human being instead of the dog. Which is the evidence of its’ super power. I thought.” Abbot Shanz replies to 7-Long-coon.

I suppose that its’ reincarnation must relates closely each other.”

“I buy it” Abbot Shanz responses.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

進香團一團接一團湧進白頂山律鐘觀,進不了寺的香客,就在寺外搭建貨櫃屋,等待輪班進寺朝拜聖狗。小十一自從來到律鐘觀可以說美食享受不盡,尊榮貴到不行 ^_^ ;身子洗的香氣噴噴,狗毛梳的亮晶晶,還披上狗衣保暖,睡覺睡在軟墊上,早餐有紅龜、中餐有麵線 晚餐有發棵,好吃極了,美中不足的就是不給肉吃,沒有肉,當然肉骨頭就更別提啦!


Groups of pilgrims swarm into Discipline Temple up White Cap Mountain one after another. Which fills the temple so full that the groups left outside construct container houses to live and wait in line to worship in turn. Jr. enjoys not only delicious cuisine but also honor since it was brought to Discipline Temple. More than this it takes shampoo, has its’ fur combed shine, and puts on clothes for warm, sleeps on Simons. Red bun is served for breakfast. Noodle for Lunch. Rice for supper. It is more than rich are, however, one thing is sorry. They offer no meat at all, let alone the fat bones.

Thursday, May 20, 2004



“There are so many things strange to me. Why people look so queer as to prohibit me to bite the chicken being offered to me. The meat bones are with no meat at all. The queerest attitude of people would be that they kneel down in front of me and speak silently. For what do they worship me?” Jr. wants to say.

Friday, May 21, 2004

「快樂嗎?不知道,還是以前好,像昨天的清晨,天上的星星都看著我和我眨眼,打招乎!土丘山的風景多麼迷狗!穿棱在土丘之間遊玩,沒有人來驅趕我,多麼自由!多麼自在!」小十一不禁心中懷念起凄迷,卻溫馨的清明節來了 -- _ -- 「不知道那位美麗的小姐怎麼樣了?真叫狗擔心!」


“Am I happy? I know nothing. It was better than that of today. Taking the early morning to day as an example, the stars in the sky winked to my as if friendly gesture extending down to all people on earth. The landscape of the small hill was fascinating! Playing around the earth mound was allowed. How I am free.” Jr. is now helplessly missing the misery but warming festival of graveyard serving day. “What the beautiful lady is going on? It makes me worry for her.”

Friday, May 21, 2004



“Being confined in a dog cage all day long is democratic?” Jr. complains.

In compliance to the earnest requests of the abbots, Abbot Shanz says yes and asks them go back home waiting. The general worshiping is scheduled on the Sowing-day when will be the holly time to pray, to thank god, and tell fortune. Then answers shall be given on the holly behavior dog.



Groups of pilgrims from afar swarm into Discipline Temple and gather around White Cap Mountain the day before the sowing day waiting to attend Mass to be given by Abbot Shanz. Noises scattered by drums, oboes and gongs all throughout the night heard from afar. Peddler parks their cars and trucks by the roadside in long lines. Shanz puts on gold embroidered robe and pearl dropping hat and comes in seating on a sedan chair carried by eight disciples on schedule. Who enters the shrine and sits on his pulpit immediately after getting off his sedan chair.

賢慈道長說:「我今天給諸位講解『能量相等論』。凡是人都有三魂七魄,精、 氣、神,就是三魂;心、口、耳、 胃、 眼、 腎、 鼻,就是七魄;也就是說天帝給我們每一個人的都是三魂七魄,所以不多也不少,這也就是天帝公平對待我們人間大眾,無偏無私。

The subject I’ll give is “Equality of Energy Wan Born With”. Which covers three souls that are spirit, air and look and seven fetches that are heart, mouth, ear, stomach, eye, gut, and nose. In other words, God bestows on us all the same. No more, no less.


In summary, each of us gets same amount of health and fortune from God. However, there is differences in between as if one be stronger in a certain field than the other like that the holly dog we worship here must be of weak spot in other field. This is the “Equality of Energy We Born With”. That is what I have created.


It would be the evidence as genius Beethoven, the pianist, is of deaf. All the more, there are many geniuses being of gay. All left handers are clever comparatively. There are too many facts to figure them out. These are the reasons to verify that God is fair to us all. Wise men shouldn’t be proud of selves just because they are not self-conscious of their own drawbacks. That’s all.


Kings must be wise. They call themselves the son of Haven and enjoy all good things available under the sky. However, all the last kings pay the debt for all the previous kings.


The human shadow attached to the holly dog is one of its’ fetches. What is the cause must relates with its’ “Equality of Energy We Born With”. How the energy debt to be balanced are a lesson waiting us abbots to study.





“What does the human shadow attached to it look like?” abbot Chic Long asked.

“It puts on a bamboo split hat” Abbot Shonz replayed.

“It must be a farmer.” Chic Long said.

“Not all who wear bamboo split hat are farmers, you know.” Abbot Shonz said.



This question raises a quarrel in front of the shrine and renders more questions than the other. The guesses they give cover *Fisher 7, officer *Zoo Micheal, *Braber, Commander-in-Chief general *John, Lyre *Ubrina.


We as holly servants should not guess instead of conducting a medium finding the truth.” Chic Long complains.


The Abbot of Lake Temple offers a volunteer Medium in obtaining where the holly dog comes from, to be performed by his eight disciples free of charge. Following his recommendation, there are many other Abbots propose to do the same on the same basis. Due to they failed to reach a decision Abbot Shonz suggests a poll of selection. The Abbot of Gang Luan Paul wins the award In the polling.



Once the award is announced, the winner Abbot of Gang Luan Paul puts up his shrine. He puts on his medium frock and sits in pulpit and starts enchantment. His spell does obtain the oracle quickly. What a pity is that no one could read it.

The activity of medium falls into dilemma today. The state is embarrassing. The all the other abbots keep mouth shut and dare not to take part again.


Abbot Shanz does possess good experience in publicity more than those now present. From his observation on the disappointed composure of the pilgrims at this moment, He decides that it’s the opportunity to start enchantment to conquer the Abbots from all fields. He announces that he perform this duty in person. He with fly-chaser in hand and his eight disciples standing in line solemnly conduct the Rite of Media. The environment immediately becomes quiet in dignity. All that present pray Shanz could acquire surprising charm.


Abbot Shanz sits cross-legged and clasp-handed and prays exquisitely. The disciples’ dance follows his prayer with steps from slow to fast and faces from easy to excitement, to fear, to frozen and to robot-like idols. The band makes deadening noise in response to which the pilgrims’ heart beat and blood pressure raise to critical level. Their emotion falls into turmoil.


The band is helplessly showing their actions by sending off peaking sound. They play the music chapter after chapter driving pilgrim craze. Abbot Shanz observes secretly the Rite of Media having lasted over ten times of the previous teams having done so. The clock strikes ten. He worries his popularity to be in danger if he fails to obtain acceptable oracle to the public.


Shonz makes stealthy scans trying to find some hints from astrology. His aspiration is burst out suddenly. When his scan hits the dog cage he believes that the cause of failure is due to Jr’s human shadow who disabled his prayer. The efforts of us all today would be nothing without his permission.


Shanz stands up holding Jr. out from cage and puts it on pulpit. Then he kneels down in front of it and murmurs prayer: ”Your holiness, pardon me.” And swears: “I promise precious offering if your oracle is made available to me. I’ll be damned if I eat my words.”


As soon as Shanz finishes his prayer the oracle is granted which reads as ”cow boy”


Pilgrims become crazy and rush forward to the shrine to worship Jr. when they see Shanz pray becomes true. The pilgrims line up to hundred miles long waiting to worship Jr. for fortune. The gate of Discipline Temple is open around the clock. The gamblers’ donation filled up hundred boxes for lucky numbers. The gamble winners even offer gold bullion. In the hope of blessing, The gamble losers are crazier than the winners are.


To alleviate the anxiety of the pilgrims waiting there, Abbot Shanz orders issuing two different tickets, one for god blessing and the other for lucky numbers for the purpose of public safety and order to be maintained. Which does achieve the expected goal for the pilgrims praying for blessing after the tickets issued. But it is otherwise for the pilgrims who care the lucky numbers only. The latter that desires early worshiping holly dog tries to make use of inside track. They get priority tickets through bribing an usher. Those who fail to enter inside track go to buy tickets from scalpers that the waiting line becomes longer that of before.


There is a thief on probation, who’s alias is Monkey. Monkey in the waiting line is impatient and wants to make tricks. “Why do I wait as an idiot?” Monkey tells himself in silence “It would be better off if I bring the holly dog home and worship alone”



Monkey standing in line begins his planning to rob Holly dog. Their tricks used often by habitual thieves include:

Prowler: which is the most dependable method. They pick the hours when there is no one at home and pretends friendship call breaking into house by master key to open the door. Then they could select the most valuable items they like. They might shit on master’s bed as warning if there is nothing being worthy of being taken. In front of so crowded pilgrims, this trick is useless today.


Narcotics: This trick applies when the master of the house is a friend amiliar master is of old friend.



Ghost Bluff: That is the thief whos put on a ghost-like mask at night to scare people. Which applies only to women and children.

While Monkey in the waiting line is very much annoyed in storming his mind he suddenly gets a new idea thinking “Why we human couldn’t make dark since we human have made light? Taps aren’t equal to convert light to dark? Ureka! Ureka!” Talented Monkey does figure out his trick and says good bye to the farce -----Holly Dog Carnival ----- back home.



First, he puts on working clothes and stealing tools bought from black market including helmet, overalls, glove, and shop van which are all with new painted TPC marks for disguise. Monkey is happy with his well-equipped van and tank full of gas driving direct to Discipline Temple, White Cap Mountain. He is aware that it would be the best time to do the job late at night so that he parks his van in a bush close to the Discipline Temple.

Thursday, June 24, 2004



Recently the activity of the Rite of medium continues around the clock in Discipline Temple. Pilgrims worship day and night with attention concentrated on the lucky numbers. The later at night the more adequate for Monkey to utilize. It’s about 02:00 AM he drives his service van forcing way forwards shouting: “make way please. Let me install additional power” direct into power room and turn off the main breaker. White Cap Mountain immediately falls in pitch dark. Pilgrims are scared and shouting for help. Monkey taking the advantage of the rash moment crawls up the shrine, opens the cage, grabs up and puts Jr. 711 in his overalls and quietly running away home by taxi.

Friday, June 25, 2004




On the way home Jr. 711 hiding under Monkey’s jacket is not only fearless but also glad. Jr. 711 appreciates Monkey for freedom regained and says good bye to the living in the retaining cage as well.

The blackout warning wakens up the on duty mechanic who in pajamas runs to power room and checks what causes the power failure. When he finds the power failure is but caused by the breaker jumping off, he simply turns the it on having all the lights recovered, even brighter than they were. Pilgrims are careless of the cause of power failure. They are all going on engaged with their ritual activity without noticing Holly dog missing until daybreak. On hearing of this bad news working people and pilgrims in Discipline Temple become paralyzed. The Abbots from all walks have lost confidence and are unanimously surrendered to Abbot Shanz for answer.

Monday, June 28, 2004



Originally the Rite of Media is full of blessing, but due to Monkey’s butt in the temperature of which now falls to freezing. Pilgrims, peddlers, by-standers in disappointment are kept on leaving. The band is relaxed with sound fainting. Prayers the minor amongst of them are dismissed quickly. The majority of them are gamblers who are unwilling to accept the fact in vain. They quarrel with each other complaining their failure in worship of holly dog due to the scalpers. Other people blame some one short of respect to holly dog. The more people claim that Abbot Shanz is inferior of power.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004


Finally, there were only those Abbots are left doubting about what happens on earth. Abbot Shanz puts on a confident look with eyes half open but worries in heart. The debate “…..Abbot Shanz is inferior of power……..” causes Shanz an inspiration. Shanz does deserve the title of old cunning fox. He puts their doubt the other way -----. my power is inferior to holly dog, however there must be other dog superior of power? Yes, there are not only other powerful dogs but also more powerful than Jr’s -----. On coming to his conclusion, he is self-confidently sit cross-legged in his pulpit with hands clasped waiting denounces from those abbots.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004





“I am communicating with holly dog. Please keep quiet and stop quarrel each other and I’ll tell where is the holly dog as soon as I obtain the oracle” Shanz opens his eyes and whispers. He continues his charm for about three additional solid hours and says “God issues order to arrest cow boy back to heaven for the guilty of escape.”

On hearing that holly dog being brought back to haven, all curse it bad lucky. Each disappointed says good bye to acquaintance and goes home. Since then Discipline Temple recovers to quietness again.

Thursday, July 01, 2004





As soon as Monkey brings Jr. 711 home, he tells his wife how the holly dog is which she is more than glad to know. They wait no time to get prepared for the worshipping by taking bath and being dressed in new clothes. But they keep it secret in conducting the rite of media.

Jr. 711 supposes that It’s the luxurious day coming true. It’s also the end of being locked in a cage all day long. Day by day, Jr. 711 gives no lucky numbers that Monkey is disappointed with Jr. 711 and complains again and again. Finally, the expected cuisine isn’t offered on time. Monkey becomes impatient and often blames his wife not serious for the worship that. Mrs. Monkey diverts her hatred on Jr. 711

Friday, July 02, 2004

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Subject: 台灣治安太壞!




 我有一位女性朋友 , 幾天前深夜一點多回自宅 , 開車經過偏遠路時,被一位不知名的人自草叢中扔出一塊大磚塊 , 朋友緊急煞車 , 感覺只是玻璃擦到,並未造成車身損害,但是著實嚇了一跳 ,於是趕緊加油門開走 ; 回家後 , 由家人陪同至現場看 , 的確有半塊磚頭躺在那路中,同時看到對面車道上行駛的一台座車中 ,
有三至四名少年開著車窗 , 但一直直視著我的朋友 。

一堆人會從草叢裡出現 , 將你痛毆再洗劫一空 , 若你有女伴那就慘了 , 所以要小心,夜晚別走該路段,這是真實的事,請盡量告訴你們的朋友 。開車時 , 記得隨時把中控鎖鎖上 , 避免發生這樣的情形發生 …尤其後座沒坐人時 , 停紅綠燈時都可能有陌生人侵入 !

 11月中旬下午1點左右在台北市南京東路上與吉林路交叉口 ,
友人汽車停靠在路邊 , 2名歹徒從駕駛座右側及後座開門進入 ,
前座歹徒持槍威脅友人交出錢財 , 然後要求把汽車開到當舖典當 ,
車子當了十萬 , 歹徒食髓知味 ! 又叫友人到提款機前 ,
把身上所有金融卡內的存款通通領出 , 又是十幾萬 ,
然後友人到分局報案 , 警員竟然說這種案件在這個月已經發生4次了 ,
上個月更多...短短幾十分鐘就被搶20幾萬 , 而且有生命危險 , 太可怕了 !!

 光天化日下持槍搶劫 , 就在台北市真是太誇張了!!奉勸大家平時車門要鎖住 , 尤其後座沒坐人時 , 停紅綠燈時都可能有陌生人侵入 !
女孩子就更加注意 , 劫財可能還劫色 !!








希望各位愛穿短裙的姊妹,盡量避免去拍大頭貼,免得成為下一個偷拍女主角 。



 大家都知道(西門町- 幸福百貨)裡有一個娜娜鬼屋 , 這個17歲的妹妹 ,
某一日與同學一起去娜娜鬼屋玩 , 就在走出出口後 , 同學發現她的手臂上有張小紙條 ,
寫著 : 恭喜你得到--愛滋病 —仔細一瞧赫然發現手臂上一個小針孔 , 隨即同學便陪同她至醫院檢驗 ,
醫生已證實她得到--愛滋病-- , 現在她已經沒去上學了都在醫院做治療 ,
請愛好刺激的朋友到見光的地方找刺激 。



押往偏僻處 … 共同欺負 … (妳們知道我意思)並劫財,
再將被害人推入山下或排水溝中 , 意圖殺人滅口 。

 目前案例已知有四起 , 由於歹徒手法兇殘 , 且不一定深夜做案 ,甚至有一名以上的女性也照犯不誤。再加上有同夥脅迫,根本無法呼救,


若有信任之司機更好,可利用行動電話或利用車行之無線電聯絡。 4.找女性司機較保險。


我的朋友在機場搭乘計程車要回家 , 到了中途 , 計程車司機突然抽起一種煙 ,
(類似於香煙 , 但是有香氣) , 但是我朋友聞到之後卻四肢無力 , 她趕緊閉氣 ,
叫司機緊急煞車 , 她匆匆的丟下錢就衝出車外 , 下了車之後 , 她差點走不回家 。更可惡的是 , 當我朋友休息了之後 , 她決定要去報案 , 警察的說辭卻是:
他又沒有真的對妳怎麼樣 , 他打了妳了嗎 ? 還是摸了妳 ?
總之就是要說服我朋友不要報案 , 我朋友還告訴他們這個司機的特徵 ,
他們的回答是:同名同姓的人有好幾百個 , 妳要我們從何查起 ?難道要我們去教他們怎麼辦案嗎 ? 可見我們警察的素質 !

 和另一個朋友談起這件事 , 她說這是一種國術館 、 乩童 、 神壇、 中藥店 ,
都可以拿到的藥材 , 一種會使人四肢無力 、 意識卻清楚 ;
另一種則是會使人完全的失去意識 , 十分可怕的藥物 ,
請大家在搭計程車時 , 千萬要提高警覺 , 沒有前座計程車証 ,
或是車上有小小的薰香爐的計程車最好是不要搭乘 。

對女性均從背後抱住或勒住脖子 , 甚至打昏;

 最近出現一種新的犯罪模式 ! 請騎乘 50 CC 的女子須特別注意最近歹徒常在百貨公司附近出沒 ( 約晚上九點左右 ),
專挑五十CC的機車下手(可能看準五十CC多半是女子騎乘) 。
當妳發覺妳的機車無故被鎖上大鎖時一定會急壞了 ,
這時歹徒會出現在妳附近 (通常停在妳旁邊講行動 , 其實是在等被害人) ,
假裝正要離去時 , 發現妳的難題 !
歹徒通常是學生打扮好讓妳失去戒心 , 並熱心的幫助妳解決問題 ,
通常他會說上次他同學也被人鎖上大鎖 , 結果用敲的就可敲開大鎖 ,
並要妳放下東西幫忙 , 當妳把東西包包放下時 ,
他就會趁妳不注意的時 侯, 偷走妳的小錢包或行動電話等 ;
當他東西到手後便會勸妳放棄 , 叫妳明天再找鎖匠開鎖 ,
還在妳的萬般感謝之下從容離去 , 當妳隔天找鎖匠時妳便發現鎖早已不見 。我想它已經鎖在另一位受害者的車上 。


Tuesday, September 14, 2004

旅客李奧走向屏東火車前一輛觀光巴士,向巴士司機問說:「往哪裡開呀?」Passenger Joe went to the tourist bus in front of Ping Tung Railway station and asked: 'where are you going to?'
這位司機一言不癹,靜靜地高揚右手,指向北方。Bus driver lifting his hand 45 degrees up silently directed toward North.
李奧面帶疑慮地問說:「汽車怎麼飛?我也不是要搭飛機」。'How could a bus fly? I am not taking airplane!' Joe said with doubt
「上行。」巴士司機不耐煩地說。'Up toward north' bus driver replied impatiently.
李奧了解了,這是往台北去的車,於是踏上了車。Joe with the understanding that this bus is going to Taipei stepped on board.
巴士準時啟程,沿高速公路快速行駛。Bus is on the way North on time running along the N.S. freeway.
巴士行駛期間,李奧放心地潛入座位,進入夢鄉。Joe fell in sleep comfortably in his seat while the bus ran along.
「嗨!下車,下車。」司機趕李奧下車。'Hi, wake up and get you off.' Bus driver told Joe the arrival.
「這不是台中!」李奧抗議說。'No, this not Taichung' Joe protested.
「當然不是,這是台北。」巴士司機頂回來說。'Of course, here is Taipei' Bus drive returned a protest to Joe.
「我要去台中!」李奧向巴士司機抱怨說。'I am going to Taichung.' Joe explained to bus driver.「這是直達車!」巴士司機說。'This none stop.' Bus driver said.
「你幹嘛不早告訴我!」李奧向巴士司機抱怨說。'Why don't you tell me, early?' Joe complained.
「你幹嘛不早告訴我呢!」巴士司機頂回來說。'Why don't you tell me, early?' bus driver complained likely.
全球網路報提供Furnish by Global Net Newspaper下列關係網站有更多趣聞:http://upilot.blogspot.comhttp://upilot4.blogspot.comhttp://upilota.blogspot.comhttp://upilotb.blogspot.comhttp://upilotx.blogspot.comhttp://upiloty.blogspot.comhttp://upilotz.blogspot.comhttp://upilotxy.blogspot.com撰文:程至淵

Saturday, January 24, 2004

我們的口號:「吹毛求疵」 Our slogan: 'PICK FAULT'


In the Chin Dynasty, the Grand Marshal G. N. Yao equipped his soldiers with a powerful weapon when he heads the crusader army in expedition against Tibet rebels during Jung Zong secured the royal power. Which is a kind of deadly flying object and kept secret and unknown till today. It is said this weapon flies with blasting sound able to frighten enemy to surrender. Which is so classified even no one knows what is the name of it. There have been rumors about its' name. The most popular one of them would be THE BLEEDER.

What the hell of THE BLEEDER is? You're welcome joining this study and sending your comment via E-mail, which shall appear on the web page: http://www.upilot.idv.tw/miracles.htm.

There are Weapons under cover often found in Knight tales. Which kills enemy with sharp edge by throwing force. It is like an arrow but without a bow. Through the rumor 'blasting sound' we could confirm the under covered weapon able to roar terribly during flying on the way to kill enemy. Flying arrows would give wind-like sound rather than terrified ones because arrows' flying speed limits it to give dangerous sound effect. THE BLEEDER would, however.

Arrows could make sound when they fly. The so-called weapon under cover could attack secretly. Otherwise, It is not entitled to the name of weapon under cover. Man could elevate the speed of flying objects with powder in the Chin Dynasty but they were unable to achieve the goal of attacking enemy secretly.

Help me find answers and tackle the miracle, please. I don't believe THE BLEEDER was just a legend at all.

Furnish by Global Net Newspaper

Monday, November 24, 2003

修改日期: 2003/11/18 (週二) PM 5:19
ghost are around me and you


A reverend monk said once on TV that there were ghosts around.


Nonsense means untrustworthy without concrete evidence. Talk about ghost, it is too true to believe. Many respected persons tell us on various media their horrible view they saw at night.


How should I put it - there are scientific ideas for reference to my friends online. Responses are welcome.


For instance, no one wonders the phenomenon of mirror reflection. Theoretically speaking, the view would continue to radiate outward. Which is one of the physical principles. Don't you agree with?


The view said above, if strike on obstacle would reflect back to earth. Suppose that this view reflected back one hundred years later we would mistake for ghost. Isn't that right?


Based on this phenomenon of mirror reflection, our earth radiates views and receives views reflected from afar constantly. It confirms what the monk said is correct. All the views reflected to earth are full of ghosts.